Investigation of efficient environmental factors on plant establishment and extension by multivariate analysis


With the aim of soil resources conservation, knowing plant halophyte types compatibility mechanisms is necessary and the main aim is indentification of present relationship of plant communities and introducing beneficient variates for rehabilitating of this lands. Investigation of relationship between plants for each region with soil factors is necessary. Because this method will recognize relationship between different environmental factors with plants. Thus, present relationship were investigated in playa wet region of southern Kashan’s Daryacheh Namak. First, plant types were recognized by aerial photographs and field works. Finally, 7 plant types were recognized. Then, sampling from the plant types were done. Chemical and physical factors such as EC, Gypsum, soluted cations and anions, organic matter, CaCO3 %, etc, were measured from depths of 0-30 and 30-60 cm. Then for finding relationship between plant types and environmental factors (soil factors, water table, rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and altitude) were used based on PCA method. The results showed that strong relations are established between plant types and these factors. Environmental factors have influence on establishment and extension of the plants and most important factors on detachment of plants communities were soil properties (EC, SAR, CO3, gypsum content) and water table.
