A Comparison of Forest Stand Qualitative Factors in Protected and Non Protected Areas of Arasbaran Forests


In this research, forest stands of the two protected and non protected areas of Arasbaran forest region are studied and qualitative factors are compared. For this purpose, the similarity of this stands were studied using aerial photographs taken in 1968 with 1: 20000 scale and similar stands were selected. Then, qualitative specifications of forest stands in 92 line samples (transect) in non-protected area with the statistical network size 150 m × 300 m size were chosen and were compared to specifications of 92 line samples (the correspondent statistical network). The two sites were compared in terms of qualitative characteristics, including percentage of species composition, percentages of height or coppice, percentages of vertical or non-vertical trees, percentages of curved and non-curved trees. Finally it is found that percentages of Carpinus and Querqus composition have significant differences in two forest stands. Also the percentages of coppice and vertical trees in these two areas showed significant differences.
