Determination of Heavy Metals Content in t:he Water, Sediments and Muscle of Crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus, in Abbasa River of Nour city


Somc heavy metal contents were investigated in wate r, sediments and Crayfis h. Astacus
leptodactylus, musc le. Abbasay river. Sampling (water, sediments and Crayfish 's muscle), had been
conducted in six statio ns in September 2003 . After chemica l analys is, rate of heavy metals was
eval uated by Ato mic Absorbt ion Spect rophtometry (A.A.S). Mean Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr, Zn, Ba and Fe in
wate r were 6.95, 1.33, 2.62 , 3.28, 124. 2, 134.96 and 5.06 mg/I, respectively, which isn 't suitable for
drinking. according global standards althoug ht this water can. be used for agriculture and aquaculture
purposes. Heavy metal co ntents in sediment s were also found to be within the tolerance ranges for
aquatic animals. Mean of heavy metal con tents in Crayfish 's muscl e, were 45.7 3, 2.44, 3.27, 3.40,
184.20, 145.12 and 9.66 for Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr. Zn. Ba and Fe res pective ly (mg/kg dry weight) that is less
than range of sanitary standards for human con sumption . There were significa nt and direct correlations
betwee n obse rved heavy metal co ntents in wat er, sediments and Crayfish 's muscle, in Abbas ay river.