An Investigation of the Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Torogh Forest Park


The forest park of Torogh, with an area of 164 ha is the host to three tree types namely: pure
hardwood, mixed hardwood and pure conifer. To investigate the quantitative and qualitative
characteristics of these afforestations a random-systematic sampling method with a grid of 80x110
(meters) was used. Also, to identify soil type and its role in trees, vitality, three profiles in each type of
habitat were dug. Results indicated that hardwood and conifer species make up to 79% and 21% of the
park's tree cover respectively, where Platanus (33%), Pinus (21%), Robina (19%) and Fraxinus (18%)
represent the highest frequency. Analysis of parameters through PCA method showed that the soil had
medium texture and contained lime, causing the rareness of nutrients besides a loss of humidity . So
due to these short comings most of trees suffer from medium to weak vitality and up to now
approximately 18% of the trees have inevitably been cut. Nevertheless, the species of: Ailantus,
Fraxinus and Pinus which have exhibited comparative success, are suggested for the future
afforestation expansion in this park.