The Effect of Group Selection as a Cutting Metltodon Soil Physical Factors


Soil physical properties are affected by different harvesting treatments. In this study the effect of group
selection as a method on soil physical properties has been evaluated.Two similar areas were selected,
one as a treated area, and the other as control. Soil mechanical resistance ,infiltration rate ,soil moisture
content .bulk density and porosity were determined prior to, and after cutting .The results indicated
that.there were no significant differences between cut and control areas prior to cutting operation. But
after cutting, soil mechanical resistance , in cut area, increased for about 17% as compared with
control. Bulk density in the 0-5 cm depth increased in cut area while porosity in this depth was
decreased for about 12%, Soil moisture content in 0-5cm depth was higher as compared with that in
the lower depths . Infiltration rate had decreased for as much as 47%in cut area