

In the present study it was tried to introduce the most relevant method of data collection from Aras¬
baran natural forests.To achieve this, a random systematic sampling network of 150x300m dimentions
including 140 sampling plots along with three sampling methods including circular, quadratic and
transect methods were empolyed. The obtained data from the study sites were used to evaluate factors ,of basal area per hectare, number of trees in hectare ,and sampling time in plot as well as in transects.
Duncans and ttests revealed no significance between mean basal area and number of trees per hectare
in eny of these three methods. But mean sampling time for .circular and quadratic plots as well as
transects demonstrated significant difference. To determine the optimum sampling method equation A=E %2 x T was used. Where, E% is peresentage of sampling error and T sampling time. Finally, the
study pointed out that the transect sampling method was the most appropriate for Aras-baran natural