

A study on the basis of systematic inventory with random start point as well as measuring such factors as diameter and height of trees, length of crown, percentage of storeys with a height less than 1.30 m and more
than 1.30 m, as well as herbaceous species in sample plots, show that despite suitable plantation conditions in Shourab (even-aged), Jamand (uneven-aged) district, and control plot, even aged high forest in Shourab
district was not fulfilled and it is concluded that applying uneven-aged. High forest method (Selection) in Jamand district was more successful in such a way that mixture and variation of species in regenerations and
the number of climax herbaceous species. As well as the number of trees with a crown height less than 50% of half of the tree height and the average of crown and the number of trees per ha. In uneven-age method is
